Call: Rafa Nasiri 10 th Annual Award for Graphic Arts 2024


Rafa Nasiri Art Studio, Amman, Jordan, takes the pleasure of announcing the call for young Arab artists, to submit their works for the 10th Annual Award for Graphic Arts (2024). Aimed to enhance the art of graphics in the Arab world and strengthen its value, Nasiri Annual Award is open to Arab artists all over the world from ages 20-40 years old to submit art works executed during the last three years.

The committee, since the sixth edition, has decided to extend the terms of submission to include graphic practices in its wider concept for personal and creative techniques, whether executed on paper or any other means provided that it follows one of the printing techniques, separate or integrated, as detailed in the following:

Terms of the award

Allowed techniques: Etching, dry point, woodcut, silkscreen, lithograph, mono prints, digitals or any other modern technique based on the traditional means of printmaking.

Past participants of the award are allowed to participate again but are only permitted to do so by submitting new artworks.

Photography work, be it digital or traditional is excluded from participation.

Artworks should not exceed 100 x 70 cm in dimensions, vertical or horizontal.

Submitted works will be presented to a jury of renowned Arab printmakers to take decision and announce the winning artist on a date not exceeding the 31st. of January 2025.

An amount of $1000 will be awarded to the best artist selected by the Jury, who submitted artworks that reflect vision and uniqueness in the domain.

How to apply for the award

Applications are submitted by filling out the online award form at: accompanied by pictures of five to six works, not duplicated, and executed in one of the above-mentioned techniques. If you encounter any technical difficulty, please send an email to

Images of the artworks should be high resolution with 300 dpi image depth in jpg format.

A letter of request to participate in the award along with a biography and a statement of the artist’s vision.

The deadline for receiving applications is the end of December 2024. This year’s celebration of the winner will be online. The winner will receive the award through bank transfer, followed by a special certificate. The winner’s submitted  artworks will be published on Rafa Nasiri’s website  and social media accompanied by the relevant info.