Rafa Nasiri Art Studio, Amman, Jordan, takes the pleasure of announcing the call for the
submission of works for the 9th Annual Award for Graphic Arts (2023) for Young Arab Artists.
Aimed to enhance the art of graphics in the Arab world and strengthen its value, Nasiri Annual
Award is open to Arab artists all over the world from ages 20-40 years old to submit art works
executed during the last three years.
The committee, since the sixth edition, has decided to extend the terms of submission to
include graphic practices in its wider concept for personal and creative techniques, whether
executed on paper or any other means provided that it follows one of the printing techniques,
separate or integrated, as detailed in the following:
- Etching, dry point, woodcut, silkscreen, lithograph, mono prints, digitals or any other modern
technique based on the traditional means of printmaking.
- 5-6 images, high resolution 300 dpi jpg, not exceeding 100x70cm, vertical or horizontal.
- Participants are requested to send their entries through Rafa Nasiri website:
- In addition to the images, kindly include a request letter clarifying the artist’s own vision in
addition to the latest C.V.
The final date for submission is on 31st December 2023, the award of $1000 will be given to
the winning artist.
Submitted works will be presented to a jury of renowned Arab printmakers to take decision
and announce the winning artist on a date not exceeding 31st. January 2024.
The celebration will take place online. The winner will receive the Award through bank
transfer, followed by a special certificate. The winner’s artworks submitted will be published
on Nasiri web page and Nasiri Award facebook accompanied by the relevant info.
May Muzaffar
Poet and art critic
Patron of Nasiri Annual Graphic Arts Award
Amman, August 2023